


Monday, September 10, 2012

BLK Homework Week 1

This is my favorite picture we took in our practical lesson, heres some of my thoughts about it:

  • This picture was meant to be a homage to the horror genre. 
  • The frame in frame style of the shot gives a sense of an outsider looking in
  • It being a low angle shot gives a sense of empowerment to the character.
  • The character's face being covered creates mystery
  • The bars connote entrapment, a prominent theme in the Horror genre
  • Its probably my favorite out of the shots we took because I feel that it portrays the genre the best, and is the best framed
There are however a few things I would change if I could do it again:
  • I think the red fire extinguisher stands out in this shot, if that could be taken out the picture would have been better
  • The dust on the rail at the bottom isn't constant, I would rub it off so it was consistent
  • The lighting is quite good, but if it was darker it would be better
  • I would probably try to cut out the bottom step while framing, then the focus of the shot would be bigger.


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