


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Scott Pilgrimm Vs The world opening credits sound analysis

Our task was to analyse the sound in an opening credit sequence. For this I chose to look at the 2010 film Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I chose this because the audio and visual style of the opening credit sequence sets the tonne for the whole movie as well as identifying the target audience

The film starts with the Universal logo and theme tune, however it has been twisted into being 8-bit, which connotes early video games which had 8-bit styles and theme tunes due to the technical limitations of the times they were made. This 8-bit style will remind people who grew up in the 70s and 80s of their childhood video games such as Mario, Zelda and Tetris, as well as well as appealing to young people who also would have known of this cultural code.

The audio then becomes a voice over which reads out the words on screen saying "Not so long ago, in the land of Torronto, Canada..." this is a clear reference to the classic "Star Wars" movies, who's credits start with "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" however unlike the star wars movies this opening uses a voice over instead which is used in order to speed up the transition between setting the scene and the opening credit sequence, setting the pace for the movie. Imminently after this, the camera roles down onto a house, while the sound of a harp plays. The harp is another homage to fantasy games, such as Final Fantasy or zelda, and the deepening tune to this harp give as sense of falling, which adds effect to the camera's tilt downwards.

While the camera is still on the outside of the house, the audience hear the first line of diegetic sound in the movie, which is the words "Scot Pilgrim is dating a high-schooler?" immediatly after which the camera cuts to a wide shot of inside the house. This creates an effective audio bridge, hooking the audience into the conversation.

The conversation continues,  and as Scott assures the others that he is 22, a visual prompt comes on screen saying "Scott Pilgrim, 22 years old, Rating: Awesome" which seems like something you may find at an intro to a video game, or on a baseball card, again targeting the audience's cultural codes. These continue to pop up and reference the audio throughout this sequence

As the conversation continues there is a ring at the doorbell, accompanied by the words on screen "Ding Dong" in a comic book style, this is introduces a technique used throughout the movie which is to write onomatopoeic sounds on screen at the same time as they're sound is played in the audio. This creates the comic book style which appeals to the fans of Scott Pilgrim who would have read the comics. As the band starts to play, the comic book style effects start to appear on screen again.

As the credits start to role in, they have an effect which plays every time the bass drum beats, making sure the audio and visual elements of the movie are closely linked. When the sequence cuts to credits and the song continues to play, these effects continues to play on beat, creating a psychedelic experience.


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