


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dexter Activity Evaluation

During our last lesson we created a series of tiles to go into the opening sequence for Dexter. Olivia and I made this:

1. Summarise the conventions of title sequences that were most important to this task.

  • We found it was important to to include as many different roles in producing the show as possible
  • We used a font and font colour which fitted the themes of the show
  • We used visual ques to time our titles

2. How did your group plan to edit the title sequence? (consider timings, industry requirements etc). 

  • Olivia and I started with the last title, as we had come up with a good idea for this as we watched it (the title disappearing as he walked by)
  • We then went to the beginning and started to inset titles we thought it was appropriate 
  • We tried out different effects to see which looked best

3. Explain the creative decisions made by your group.

  • We tried to make the effects fit the tone of the show
  • For example we used the font "Cracked" which gives a spooky feel to the sequence, while being legible
  • We used a red for the font colour mostly, only using which when the Red was too similar to the background to read

 4. How does your re-edit compare to the original?

  • Our edit contains less information
  • It has a similar animation on the shot with the sink
  • Generally our titles have more animation 
  • Their titles use a more formal font
  • Their titles a consistently Red (in a lighter shade than our red font)


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